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She said;

in cold and windy warmth
I lay and mute time
on the beach, on my back
counting the stars
naming them after destiny
the ideology of peace prevails
as the water and sand mate
beneath the locks of my skin
to birth the soul with moist
sprouting the growth of a new mind
relieving the fever that burns within
the solace I seek is in stages
to heal, then to love

I said;

the solace we seek is within
to love ourselves till we heal
acknowledging our emotions
amending the vanity of shielded paths.
For me, life is a constant war
that we will always win
what matters is the timing…

©2016. Ruth Brodrick

Author: I- read

This is a free blog aimed at watering poetic minds and quenching the thirst of readers. My passion for words commemorates the desires to speak the truth, interplay with emotions and voice the fights in troubled souls. Welcome to i-read..

12 thoughts on “A SHADE OF THOUGHTS”

      1. Life gets so busy, doesn’t it. It’s hard sometimes to do more than try to keep up your blog. If it was all I did I’d have more time to read others, but I try. I’ve been writing a book that is nearly done. I’ve had so much to learn, and after the edits I’m sure there will be rewrites, too. I’ve also just begun a once a month newsletter. To keep up progress about the book – but about other things as well that are keeping up with the prison industry and justice system laws and other books written by inmates. If you’d like you can write to my email address at squick@mynameisjamie.net and I’ll put you on the mailing list. When the book is done I’m going to initial give ebooks away for free in exchange for a review. If you are interested just mention the word review and email list and it’s all you need to write. I’m hoping to have it out by the end of the year – depending on rewrites.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. That is so nice, so proud of your spirit. KUDOS! . I sure would love to join in, I would try to create the time to read through. Well, blogging has been difficult for me these days, I’m still trying to find the strength to cope with all the mails and blogs, asides that, I’m not doing bad. Good to hear from you again dear. Gods blessings❤️


      3. Do I have your email address? I’m not sure. You may have given it to me awhile back. If you want, send an email to squick@mynameisjamie.net and just put subscribe in the subject line and I’ll send the next newsletter (I’m still not sure what I’m doing so there will probably be a learning curve )to you when I’m done with it

        Liked by 1 person

  1. Love this one ruthie
    Beautiful imagery
    And very strong
    Thank you for visiting
    It’s good to see an old friend
    Sometimes we forget
    Then we find our way back
    To the people we feel
    Comfortable with
    As always Sheldon


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